Advanced Sparring Class Schedule
The American Institute of Kenpo keeps the most up to date class schedules for our different Advanced Sparring programs posted here. If you have any questions we would be happy to help you.
Make sure to Refresh/Reload the website to see the most current information!
~ Last Updated 8/12/2024
Note: The Advanced Sparring Classes are invitation only and are not included with the standard Kenpo Karate tuition.
4:45 to 5:30pm
4:45 to 5:30pm
No Class
4:45 to 5:30pm
4:45 to 5:30pm
Sparring 201*
Sr. Black
5:30 to 6:00pm
No Class
No Class
Sr. Black
5:30 to 6:00pm
No Class
Sparring 101*
6:00 to 7:00pm
Beg. & Inter.
6:00 to 7:00pm
No Class
6:00 to 7:00pm
Beg. & Inter. ❖
6:00 to 7:00pm
No Class
7:05 to 7:20pm
7:05 to 7:20pm
No Class
7:05 to 7:20pm
No Class
No Class
Beg. & Inter.
7:30 to 8:30pm
7:30 to 8:30pm
Sparring 001*
Beg. & Inter.
7:30 to 8:30pm
No Class
No Class
No Class
8:30 to 9:00pm
No Class
8:30 to 9:00pm
No Class
No Class
*The Advanced Sparring classes are not included with standard Kenpo Karate tuition.
❖Junior Brown Belts (Advance Rank) can attend this class.
Advanced Sparring 101 Classes
This class is for students wanting to take their sparring skills to an advanced level. This class is invitation only. Students that are intrested in attending should be participating in the normal Sparring Classes.
Class Description:
In this class students with the required safety equipment can engage in mock combat and the relevant drills. Activities will focus on developing reaction time, targeting, range assent, and angle assessment while maintaining a save and comfortable learning environment that is overseen by experienced instructors.
In this class students will work drills designed to refine their fundamental skill sets. Personal refinement will be accomplished through a variety of drill and sparring that will also focus on the proper etiquette for training with each other as everyone works to take their skill sets to the next level.
Class Activities:
Physical Exercise, Footwork, Strategic Positioning, Advanced Kicking, Advanced Punching, Striking Combinations, Defensive and Offensive Strategies, Sportsmanship, Sparring.
Class Times:
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Advanced Sparring 201 Classes
This class is for students with advanced sparring experience and the skills to work dynamically with various partners. This class is invitation only. Students that are intrested in attending should be participating in the Advance Sparring 101 Classes.
Class Description:
In this class students with the required safety equipment can engage in mock combat and the relevant drills. Activities will focus on developing reaction time, targeting, range assent, and angle assessment while maintaining a save and comfortable learning environment that is overseen by experienced instructors.
In this class students will be able to continue developing their skill sets in conjunction with the most experienced and skilled training partners. in addition to the drills and sparring, students participating in this class will have the opportunity to learn form exceptionally gifted training partners.
Class Activities:
Physical Exercise, Footwork, Strategic Positioning, Advanced Kicking, Advanced Punching, Striking Combinations, Defensive and Offensive Strategies, Sportsmanship, Sparring.
Class Times:
Advanced Sparring 001 Classes (Open Mat)
This class is for students wanting to take their sparring skills to an advanced level. This class is invitation only. Students that are intrested in attending should be participating in the normal Sparring Classes.
Class Description:
In this class students can ask questions and the instructors will provide guidance and direction. Any sparing activities will be overseen by the instructors.
Class Activities:
Physical Exercise, Footwork, Strategic Positioning, Advanced Kicking, Punching, Striking Combinations, Defensive and Offensive Strategies, Sportsmanship, Sparring.
Class Times:
7:30pm - 8:30pm