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Black Belt Testing Process & Test Information

The testing process for Black Belt ranks is different from the standard color belt testing. To help you navigate the process you can use the following check list. Be aware of all deadlines as failure to complete requirements in a timely manner can result in you becoming ineligible to belt test. If you have any questions contact your school’s manager.


  • It is recommended that candidates start all required projects (to include the book report, essays, etc.) as soon as possible.

  • Failure to attend both required weekly classes during a prescreening can result in inadequate time to complete the process resulting in ineligibility to test.

  • Failure to complete any requirements by the Due Date can result in ineligibility to test.

Last Updated On

June 24th, 2024

12:30 PM

Next Black Belt Testing

October 19th, 2024

  • There is no make up test for black belt testing.

  • All information on this page is in reference to this upcoming Black Belt Test.

Candidates Must Have Time In Grade 

Kenpo is not a spectators’ sport. Black Belt candidates must be actively training to be eligible for advancement. It is recommended that all candidates attend two classes a week and train two hours a week on their own. These are minimal recommendations. In addition, the candidate needs to achieve the minimal time in grade actively training to be eligible to begin the Black Belt Testing Process.

Senior Ranks

Junior Ranks

1st to 2nd Degree

2 years


2nd to 3rd Degree

3 years


3rd to 4th Degree

4 years

4th to 5th Degree

5 years

5th to 6th Degree

5-9 years

1st to 2nd Degree

1 year


2nd to 3rd Degree

1 year


3rd to 4th Degree

1 year

4th to 5th Degree

1 year


Application Due Date

July 26th, 2024

Complete And Return The Black Belt Test Application

Any candidate that wants to test for black belt is required to submit an application. Payment is not due until the completion of the 2nd Prescreening. Additional supplementary items can be added any time prior to the payment due date.

1st Prescreening Date

July 29th - August 2nd, 2024

1st Prescreening

All candidates will be evaluated by a qualified senior ranking black belt. They will demonstrate and be evaluated on their knowledge of the required information. This will include all techniques and forms they have learned to date.

2nd Prescreening Date

September 2nd - September 6th, 2024

2nd Prescreening

Candidates for black belt testing must demonstrate a working knowledge of all techniques and forms they have learned to date. The current rotation of information needs to be presentation ready. 



  • Candidates must be on track or they will be removed from the testing list.

Payment Due Date

September 6th, 2024

Payment Due Date

The payment for the Black Belt test is due. Prior to the payment being accepted the candidates must complete and pass the 2nd Prescreening.

Book Report Due Date

September 6th, 2024

Book Report Due (Senior Ranks Only!)

Black Belts should have a working knowledge of the evolution of the martial arts in order to gain a better understanding of physical, mental, and emotional benefits as they apply today, and how they applied it in the past. Candidates are required to not only read the following books, they are encouraged to spend time thinking about how the lessons of the past can help them live in the present with honor and integrity. Candidates are required to write a brief essay over the book they have read.

Candidates testing for 1st Degree Black Belt:

Bushido by Inazo Nitobe

Candidates testing for 2nd Degree Black Belt:

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Candidates testing for 3rd Degree Black Belt:

Meditations on Violence by Sgt. Rory Miller

Candidates testing for 4th Degree Black Belt:

The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker

Candidates testing for 5th Degree Black Belt:

Book of 5 Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

Value Report Due Date

September 6th, 2024

Value Report Due

Black Belts should have a firm understanding of traditional values. That understanding is their counterbalance and a guiding force for the tremendously destructive knowledge that is possessed. Candidates will need to complete a report including a full description of the value - from their point of view, how they feel it benefits others, and how they have used it in their life.

Candidates testing for 1st Degree Black Belt:


Candidates testing for 2nd Degree Black Belt:


Candidates testing for 3rd Degree Black Belt:


Candidates testing for 4th Degree Black Belt:


Candidates testing for 5th Degree Black Belt:


3rd Prescreening Date

October 7th - October 11th, 2024

3rd Prescreening

Candidates for Black Belt testing must demonstrate a working knowledge of all techniques and forms they have learned to date. The current rotation of information needs to be presentation ready. 



  • Candidates must be on track or they will be removed from the testing list.

  • Candidates removed from the testing list at this point will not receive a refund.

Attend The Belt Testing And Promotion

Candidates must attend the belt test to receive promotion. 



  • There is NO MAKE UP TESTING process. Students unable to attend the testing process for any reason will not receive a refund.

Black Belt & Promotion

October 19th, 2024

Participate In The Belt Testing And Promotion

During the belt testing and promotion process the candidates will participate in several activities designed to educate and challenge them. There are portions of this process that are designed to be open to the candidate's family and friends. We encourage family and friends to support the candidates during each activity marked with F&F.

Black Belt Technical Test: F&F

The Black Belt Technical Test is designed to assess the Black Belt Candidate’s knowledge and ability to perform the structured required material required for rank certification. This happens at the beginning of the Belt Testing and promotion. This is the final time Candidates can fail their test unless they exhibit behavior unbecoming of a Black Belt during the remainder of the promotion process.

Black Belt Achievement: F&F

The Black Belt Promotion consists of the public recognition of the Black Belt Candidate’s efforts and skill. Candidates will be awarded their black belt at this point and have the chance to get pictures with friends and families. During the remainder of the promotion process the Candidates will officially be, and be expected to behave as a Black Belt.

Basics And Fundamentals:

The candidates will go back to their foundation of their art and perform fundamental basic building block stances, strikes, and movements. The senior black belts will provide constructive feed back with the intention of encouraging the new Black Belts to recognize that we all need to constantly examine, maintain, and refine the building blocks of our art.

Pad Work:

Pad work is the first step to kinetic application for any martial artist. The candidates will work pad work one on one with a senior black belt. The candidates will receive constructive and educational feedback on how to improve their application of the basics as they actualize the knowledge into kinetic reality.

Written Test:

The Black Belt Written Test is designed to test the Black Belt Candidate's knowledge of history and standardized Kenpo information. After having a chance to complete this test a senior black belt will go over the test with everyone and provide feed back on questions they struggled with. 

Black Belt Interview:

The Black Belt Interview is designed to gauge the intellectual and ethical knowledge of the Black Belt Candidate. This is normally an individual discussion with a board of senior ranked black belts.

The Physical Workout: F&F

The Black Belt Physical Test is designed to push the Black Belt candidates to the point of exhaustion. As the candidate reaches the point of exhaustion they have to rely on their force of will and willingness to continue and press on especially when things become difficult. Though this is a physical activity it is the mental fortitude that becomes apparent and is being observed.

Awarding Of Diploma: F&F

At the closing of the Black Belt Testing and Promotion process the candidates will be awarded their rank certificates. Candidates will then have the opportunity to thank those that have helped and supported them on their journey to their Black Belt.

Optional Activities:

in addition to the above listed activities, depending on many variables candidates will also have the opportunity to participate in these activities:

  • Rank based right of passage challenges.

  • Hands-on Technique challenges.

  • Sets and Forms Challenges.

Black Belt & Promotion

October 19th, 2024

Black Belt Testing Itinerary

Please reference the Black Belt Test ​dates in the section above.

10:30am - Check in/School Opened
11:00am - Start, Please be on time
??:??pm - End at the compilations of all portions of the graduation process

Black Belt Promotion & Graduation Itinerary:

  • Part 1 - Belt Test & Achievement

  • Part 2 - Frame Graduation Expectations

  • Part 3 - Basics & Fundamentals

  • Part 4 - Pad Work

  • Part 5 - Written Test

  • Part 6 - Black Belt Interview

  • Part 7 - Right Of Passages

  • Part 8 - The Physical Workout, Awarding Of Diploma

All parts excluding part 1 and 7 on the Itinerary are subject to change

Students need to bring their full uniform to testing. Parents and family are welcome to support during:

  • Part 1 - Belt Test & Achievement

  • Part 8 - The Physical Workout, Diploma distribution

Note: Friends and family will be called approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of Part 7 so that they can show up to support if they would like.

7320 N. La Cholla Blvd. #164
Tucson, AZ 85742

Black Belt Test & Promotion

October 19th, 2024

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