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Clashing Rage

Clashing: Meet force with force

Rage: Tackle


The Ideal attack requires that your opponent charges in from the front, with the intention of tackling you. You have enough time and distance to engage the opponent by moving towards them.

Defense Pattern

1. Point of origin: Right Interview Stance with your arms up.

2. Left Step Forward towards 10:30 into a Left Transitional Neutral Bow Stance then deliver a Right Knee to your opponent's solar plexus while delivering a Right Uppercut Punch to the right side of your opponent's face. Left Positional Check to the right side of your opponent’s head.

3. Plant Back towards 6:00 into a Left Transitional Neutral Bow Stance as you deliver a Right Downward Elbow to the upper spine of your opponent.

4. Pivot in to a Left Reverse Close Kneel Stance delivering a Left Inward Overhead Downward Elbow to the upper spine of your opponent. Your left arm continues to move clockwise ending in a Left Hand Grab to your opponent’s face.

5. Left Step Back towards 6:00 into a Right Front Twist Stance as you execute a Left Hand Pull employing a fulcrum to turn your opponent’s head up.

6. Pivot into a Right Neutral Bow Stance (facing 12:00) as you deliver a Right Inward Elbow to your opponent’s face.

7.  Pivot into a Right Reverse Bow Stance (facing 12:00) as you deliver a Right Back Hammer Fist to your opponent’s groin.

8. Deliver a Right Rear Lifting Heal Kick to your opponent’s groin.

9. Right Front Crossover and Cover Out toward 6:00.

Alternate Names

Though there are similarities between techniques named here the techniques taught in the different branches of the Kenpo family also have notable differences.

We know that each school presents information with a different style and signature that is uniquely associated with their staff and students. Always defer to the instructing staff at your school for guidance should there be any differences in the information being presented.

The American Institute of Kenpo (AIK):

Clashing Rage

Ed Parker American Kenpo Systems (EPAKS)*:

Intercepting the Ram

Tracy Kenpo Systems:

Encircling Arms

American Kenpo Karate Association (AKKA Karate USA):

Encircling Arms

*The EPAKS system is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the Parker Family.

Training Disclaimer

The American Institute of Kenpo (AIK) strongly recommends that all training be overseen by experienced and qualified instructors. Individuals choosing to train without the recommended oversight assume full liability for any and all injuries. In addition, those individuals engaging in training without the oversight of the American Institute of Kenpo’s (AIK’s) certified instructors will be doing so with the understanding and acknowledgment that they are waving subrogation and holding harmless the American Institute of Kenpo (AIK), it's members, and affiliates.

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