Combative Two-Man Form
This is a Description of the set or form.
Pattern Key:
The person starting on the left will be referred to as the Gray Side.
The person starting on the right side will be referred to as the Black Side.
This will be consistent with the video demonstrations.
Gray Side: Facing 12:00
Right Step Forward into a Right Front Twist Stance as you bring the Scholar & Warrior to your right shoulder.
Left Step Forward into a Left Cat Stance as you present the Scholar & Warrior.
Left Step Back into a Right Front Twist Stance as you bring the back of your hands together in front of you.
Right Step Back into an Attention Stance while you pull you hands to chamber at your sides.
Left Step Sideways towards 9:00 into a Training Horse Stance.
First, have your hands from a Triangle in front of you forehead.
Next, have your hand pull together and down to be in front of your chin in to the Scholar & Warrior.
Finally, have your hands decent and pull together to Knife Hands (palms together) in front of you sternum.
Left Step Sideways towards 3:00 into an Attention Stance as you pull you hands to chamber at your sides.
Black Side: Facing 12:00
Right Step Forward into a Right Front Twist Stance as you bring the Scholar & Warrior to your right shoulder.
Left Step Forward into a Left Cat Stance as you present the Scholar & Warrior.
Left Step Back into a Right Front Twist Stance as you bring the back of your hands together in front of you.
Right Step Back into an Attention Stance while you pull you hands to chamber at your sides.
Right Step Sideways towards 3:00 into a Training Horse Stance.
First, have your hands from a Triangle in front of you forehead.
Next, have your hand pull together and down to be in front of your chin in to the Scholar & Warrior.
Finally, have your hands decent and pull together to Knife Hands (palms together) in front of you sternum.
Right Step Sideways towards 3:00 into an Attention Stance as you pull you hands to chamber at your sides.
Count 1: Back Knuckle / Parry, Outward Block, Punch
Gray Side: Back Knuckle
Right Step Sideways towards 3:00 into a Training Horse Stance facing 3:00 and deliver a Right Outward Back Knuckle to your opponent's nose.
Black Side: Parry Outward Block, Punch
Left Step Back towards 4:30 into a Right Front Twist Stance as you execute a Left Inward Parry to your opponent's right arm.
Pivot into a Right Neutral Bow Stance and execute a Right Outward Block to your opponent's right arm.
Deliver a Left Straight Punch to your opponent's right ribs.
Count 2: Parry, Palm / Parry, Outward Parry, Back Knuckle
Gray Side: Parry Palm
Left Step towards 12:00 in to a Right Neutral Bow Stance (facing 4:30) as you execute a Right Outward Hooking Parry (palm up) to your opponent's left arm.
Deliver a Right Upward Thrusting Heel Palm to your opponent's left jaw.
Black Side: Parry, Outward Parry, Back Knuckle
Left Step towards 6:00 as you execute a Left Inward Parry to your opponent's right arm.
Right Step towards 9:00 as you execute a Right Outward Parry to your opponent's right arm.
Left Step towards 10:30 and pivot into a Right Neutral Bow Stance (facing 3:0) and deliver a Right Outward Back Knuckle to your opponent's right kidney.
Count 3: Elbow Block, Punch / Trap, Front Kick
Gray Side: Elbow Block, Punch
Left Step Forward towards 3:00 into a Left Transitional Neutral Bow Stance as you execute a Right Back Elbow Block to your opponent's right arm.
Pivot into a Right Neutral Bow Stance (facing 9:00) as you deliver a Left Straight Punch to your opponent's right ribs.
Black Side: Trap, Front Kick
Execute a Right Downward Outward Hooking Parry that circles from the bottom to the top of your opponent's right arm Trapping it on top of your left arm.
Deliver a Right Front Snap Kick your opponent's groin.
Count 4: Downward Block, Back Knuckle / Upward Block, Knife-Edge Side Kick
Gray Side: Downward Block, Back Knuckle
Pivot into a Right Reverse Bow Stance as you deliver a Right Downward Block to your opponent's right leg. At the same time yank you left arm free and above your head.
Left Step Forward towards 9:00 into a Left Front Twist Stance as you chamber your hands on your left hip.
Right Step Forward towards 9:00 into a Right Neutral Bow Stance (facing 9:00) as you deliver a Right Outward Back Knuckle to your opponent's right temple.
Black Side: Upward Block, Knife-Edge Side Kick
Pivot counterclockwise and Plant your right foot towards 9:00 into a Left Rear Twist Stance facing 3:00.
Continue to pivot counterclockwise into a Left Transitional Neutral Bow Stance facing 3:00.
Left Step Back towards 9:00 into a Right Front Twist Stance as you execute a Left Upward Block to your opponents right arm.
Deliver a Left Knife-Edge Side Kick to your opponent's right knee.
Count 5: Push Down Block, Uppercut / Inward Downward Block, Chop
Gray Side: Push Down Block, Uppercut
Left Step towards 4:30 into a Right Neutral Bow Stance (facing 10:30) as you execute a Right Push Down Block to your opponent's right leg.
Pivot clockwise as you deliver a Left Uppercut Punch to your opponent's solar plexus.
Black Side: Inward Downward Block, Chop
Plant towards 12:00 into a Horse Stance (facing 3:00).
Execute a Right Inward Downward Block (palm in) to your opponent's left arm.
Deliver a Left Inward Downward Knife Hand to the right side of your opponent's neck.
Count 6: Upward Block, Hammerfist / Inward Block, Eye Poke
Gray Side: Upward Block, Hammerfist
Execute a Right Upward Block to your opponent's left arm.
Deliver a Right Inward Downward Hammer Fist to your opponent's left ribcage.
Black Side: Inward Block, Eye Poke
Left Step into a Left Cat Stance as you execute a Left Inward Block to the outside of your opponents right arm.
Left Step towards 3:00 into a Left Neutral Bow Stance (facing 3:00) as you deliver a Left Two-Finger Eye Poke to your opponent's right eye.
Count 7: Outward Block, Half Fist / Outward Block, Elbow
Gray Side: Outward Block, Half Fist
Execute a Right Outward Block to your opponent's left arm and a Right Hand Grab to their wrist.
Right Step Back towards 3:00 into a Left Front Twist Stance.
Pivot into a Left Reverse Bow Stance and deliver a Left Half Fist to your opponent's throat
Black Side: Outward Block, Elbow
Execute a Right Outward Block to your opponent's left arm and a Right Hand Grab to their wrist.
Execute a Left Forward Bow Stance (facing 3:00) as you deliver a Left Inward Elbow to your opponent's left rib cage.
Count 8: Push Down Block, Crab Hand / Upward Parry, Chop
Gray Side: Push Down Block, Crab Hand
Left Step Back towards 3:00 into a Right Neutral Bow Stance and execute a Right Push Down Block to your opponent's left arm.
Deliver a Right Crab Hand to your opponent's throat.
Black Side: Upward Parry, Chop
Execute a Right Upward Parry to your opponent's right arm.
Deliver a Left Thrusting Outward Knife Hand to your opponent's throat.
Count 9: Inward Block, Elbow / Back Knuckle, Crab Hand
Gray Side: Inward Block, Elbow
Execute a Right Inward Block to your opponent's left arm.
Deliver a Right Outward Elbow to your opponent's left rib cage.
Black Side: Back Knuckle, Crab Hand
Left Step into a Left Cat Stance and deliver a Left Downward Back Knuckle to your opponent's right arm.
Left Step Forward towards 1:30 into a Left Neutral Bow Stance (facing 3:00) as you deliver a Left Crab Hand to your opponent's throat.
Count 10: Upward Parry, Palm / Hooking Parry, Palm
Gray Side: Upward Parry, Palm
Left Step towards 6:00 into a Right Neutral Bow Stance (facing 10:30) and execute a Left Upward Parry to your opponent's left arm.
Deliver a Right Inward Heel Palm (fingers facing out) to your opponent's left rib cage.
Black Side: Hooking Parry, Palm
Left Step towards 12:00 into a Horse Stance (facing 3:00) and execute a Right Outward Downward Hooking Parry to your opponent's right arm.
Deliver a Left Inward Heel Palm (fingers facing out) to your opponent's right rib cage.
Count 11: Downward Block, Knife-Edge Side Kick / Outward Block
Gray Side: Downward Block, Knife-Edge Side Kick
Pivot into a Right Reverse Bow Stance (facing 10:30) and execute a Right Downward Block to your opponent's left arm.
Deliver a Right Knife-Edge Side Kick to your opponent's throat.
Black Side: Outward Block
Left Step towards 10:30 into a Right Reverse Bow Stance (facing 4:30) and execute a Right Extended Outward Block to your opponent's right leg.
Count 12: Dragon Stance / U-Punch
Gray Side: Dragon Stance
Plant your right foot towards 9:00 then execute a Right Step towards 3:00 and pivoted counterclockwise into a Left Neutral Bow Stance (facing 10:30) then execute a Left Hand Check (claw hand form) to your opponent's right arm (if in range) and a Right Hand Check (claw hand form) to your opponent's left arm (if in range).
Black Side: U-Punch
Shuffle Forward towards 4:30 into a Right Neutral Bow Stance (facing 4:30) then deliver a Left Inverted Vertical Punch to your opponent's face and a Right Vertical Punch to your opponent's stomach.
Closing: Switch Sides / Salutation
Gray Side: From Dragon Stance
Right Step into an Attention Stance (facing 12:00) as you:
Orbit you right arm (hand open) counterclockwise in front of you chest, with out stoping its movement.
Orbit your left arm (hand open) clockwise in front of you chest stoping it with your palm facing down.
Continuing the counterclockwise orbit of your right arm have it stop resting on top of your left arm.
At this point you can either:
Preform the closing salutation.
Preform the opposite side of the form.
Black Side: From U-Punch
Left Step towards 6:00 into an Attention Stance (facing 12:00) as you:
Orbit you right arm (hand open) counterclockwise in front of you chest, with out stoping its movement.
Orbit your left arm (hand open) clockwise infant of you chest stoping it with your palm facing down.
Continuing the counterclockwise orbit of your right arm have it stop resting on top of your left arm.
At this point you can either:
Preform the closing salutation.
Preform the opposite side of the form.
Salutation: The sides have been switched
Black Side: Facing 12:00
Right Step Forward into a Right Front Twist Stance as you bring the Scholar & Warrior to your right shoulder.
Left Step Forward into a Left Cat Stance as you present the Scholar & Warrior.
Left Step Back into a Right Front Twist Stance as you bring the back of your hands together in front of you.
Right Step Back into an Attention Stance while you pull you hands to chamber at your sides.
Left Step Sideways towards 9:00 into a Training Horse Stance.
First, have your hands from a Triangle in front of you forehead.
Next, have your hand pull together and down to be in front of your chin in to the Scholar & Warrior.
Finally, have your hands decent and pull together to Knife Hands (palms together) in front of you sternum.
Left Step Sideways towards 3:00 into an Attention Stance as you pull you hands to chamber at your sides.
Gray Side: Facing 12:00
Right Step Forward into a Right Front Twist Stance as you bring the Scholar & Warrior to your right shoulder.
Left Step Forward into a Left Cat Stance as you present the Scholar & Warrior.
Left Step Back into a Right Front Twist Stance as you bring the back of your hands together in front of you.
Right Step Back into an Attention Stance while you pull you hands to chamber at your sides.
Right Step Sideways towards 3:00 into a Training Horse Stance.
First, have your hands from a Triangle in front of you forehead.
Next, have your hand pull together and down to be in front of your chin in to the Scholar & Warrior.
Finally, have your hands decent and pull together to Knife Hands (palms together) in front of you sternum.
Right Step Sideways towards 3:00 into an Attention Stance as you pull you hands to chamber at your sides.
Training Disclaimer
The American Institute of Kenpo (AIK) strongly recommends that all training be overseen by experienced and qualified instructors. Individuals choosing to train without the recommended oversight assume full liability for any and all injuries. In addition, those individuals engaging in training without the oversight of the American Institute of Kenpo’s (AIK’s) certified instructors will be doing so with the understanding and acknowledgment that they are waving subrogation and holding harmless the American Institute of Kenpo (AIK), it's members, and affiliates.